A new study, posted on the website of Levin Resources, by Olivia Lyster and Josephine Singo, analyzes the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, on women in ASM.
The current world situation changed a lot in the lives of many, but lately, it has been brought to the public attention the disproportionately negative effects that impact women and girls around the world, both economically and socially. Various sides of this unfair gender-bias are discussed in the article, from domestic violence to a surge in unpaid work.
The authors are covering the stories of women working or being affected by artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), in countries like Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Uganda and the DRC as part of the Delve COVID-19 Impact Reporting initiative.
There are many insecurities women face being part of an ASM community, such as their health, food insecurity, as well as physical insecurity. These issues are detailed more in the Levin Resources article, in which decision-making that is gender-sensitive and evidence-based are seen as sensible measures in order to ensure that existing inequalities and vulnerabilities affecting women and other marginalised groups are not exacerbated.
Read the article here: https://www.levinsources.com/knowledge-centre/insights/impacts-covid-19-women-asm