International Day of Women in Mining (IDWIM) is an annual global campaign that honours the achievements of all who identify as women and the advancement of inclusion in mining. It represents our continuous commitment to working collaboratively for gender equity in the sector.

El Día Internacional de la Mujer Minera (IDWIM) es una campaña mundial anual que rinde homenaje a los logros de todas las que se identifican como mujeres y al avance de la inclusión en la minería. Representa nuestro compromiso continuo de trabajar en colaboración por la igualdad de género en el sector.

La Journée Internationale de la Femme dans l’Industrie Minière (IDWIM) est une campagne mondiale annuelle qui rend hommage aux contributions de toutes les personnes qui s’identifient comme des femmes et à la promotion de l’inclusion dans l’industrie minière. Elle représente notre engagement continu à travailler en collaboration pour l’équité entre les hommes et les femmes dans le secteur.

O Dia Internacional da Mulher na Mineração (IDWIM) é uma campanha global anual que homenageia as conquistas de todos os que se identificam como mulheres e o avanço da inclusão na mineração. Ela representa nosso compromisso contínuo de trabalhar de forma colaborativa para a igualdade de gênero no setor.


Watch IDWIM 2024

IDWIM’s 2024 theme is “I am Mining and I Belong”

What does that statement mean for you?

It carries a very powerful message of inclusion, empowerment, claiming space, and advocating for positive change within an industry undergoing transformation. As the mining sector evolves, this phrase serves as a powerful reminder of the diverse individuals who contribute to it and the importance of creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.

During our IDWIM 2024 event, guest speakers will share their work, practices and values on gender inclusion for women in mining everywhere. We trust the industry will learn and be inspired by their examples.

Thème de l’année 2024: Je suis l’activité minière et j’appartiens  |  Lema do ano 2024: Sou mineração e pertenço | Lema del año 2024: Soy minería y pertenezco

In celebration of the IDWIM 2024 theme “I am mining and I belong,” we held the #IAmMining photo competition. Each photo told a powerful story of belonging, resilience, and empowerment within the mining community.  

94 photos from 32 countries were submitted, highlighting the incredible global reach of our mining community and we received over 12,000 votes to reach the top 10. The voting period, which ran from May 10 to June 13, saw an overwhelming response, and we want to thank everyone who voted for their favourite pictures.

Congratulations to the three winners: Imelda Patricia Nasubo, Lilian Kagai Mugalla and Yasmina Emad. We thank our generous sponsor Edumine for providing the prizes this year.





We are pleased to announce that the new International Day of Women in Mining Campaign Ambassador this year is Amparo Cornejo, Vice President South America, Teck Resources Limited.

She is committed to a new mining sector that contributes to the development and well-being of people by integrating local communities, working towards the inclusion of more women in the industry and moving towards the highest environmental standards. Amparo has recently been recognised as Executive of the Year in Chile by EY and El Mercurio. This prestigious honour recognises her leadership and record of raising the bar for social and environmental performance across our industry.

In her own words: “I feel a strong commitment to continue opening spaces for meaningful leadership for women in mining and contributing to the transformation our industry requires to provide equal opportunities for all, connect more deeply with people, and responsibly produce the minerals needed for a cleaner and more sustainable world.

“From Latin America, in Chile, one of the world’s leading copper producers, I am very honoured to be the ambassador of IDWIM 2024. I support the visibility of this international celebration event on the contribution of women in mining to inspire more inclusion, equity and diversity.”

Read the full press release here.

Meet the IDWIM 2024 Ambassador, Amparo Cornejo

Amparo Cornejo’s participation in IDWIM 2024

Mpumi Zikalala is passionate about helping transform the mining industry by driving greater diversity, building thriving communities, and leading the industry’s move to sustainability and carbon-neutral mining. She is personally committed to accelerating the involvement of women and youth in the industry by investing in women at every level, and encouraging young women to study STEM subjects. 

Read her full bio here.


We are currently running the #IAmMining photo campaign to showcase women in mining at work and make them visible in this amazing global industry. We invite you to submit photos of yourself in your professional environment, be that the office, the mine site, with communities, at the lab or anywhere! We like to showcase all who identify as women in mining from across the world!

To be featured, send us your photo(s) here.

We will repost all shared photos throughout the year. During the IDWIM 2024 celebration, we will share a collage video with all of your images for the whole world to see the amazing diversity of women in mining.

Share #IDWIM2024 news among your networks, colleagues and friends! Your support will not go unnoticed!

Comment and be part of the conversation to celebrate women in mining on social media using the hashtags #IAmMining #SoyMinería #JeSuisLactivitéMinière #SouMineração.