What does DEI stand for? What do equality, equity, inclusion, diversity … actually mean?
We are creating this page to help everyone navigate the DEI landscape.
Diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging etc. are terms on their own and are also frameworks when joined up together and depending on the letter combination emphasise more one area than another. Many nuanced definitions are out there for diversity, equality, equality and inclusion etc., unfortunately making it harder for everyone to clearly understand these terms, align and work together towards achieving similar goals. For example, equity and equality are not synonyms. Both words are often used interchangeably, when in reality, they mean different things and how they are implemented can result in different outcomes for underrepresented groups and individuals.
In addition, compared to the word “metallurgy” which will generally be looked at in a factual way, all the terms here bring out emotions, feelings, past experience and bias in all of us. In light of this, IWiM is not generating it’s own definition nor deciding which one is right. However, you will see that there is common ground than can be found for each term.
Although in recent years, DEI as a framework has been called out by some as inefficient or criticised for philosophical or political reasons, it remains true that if organisations want to achieve a licence to operate they need to include the entire population. In mining specifically that means a corporate culture change, review of processes & policies as well as ensuring offices, minesites, labs and more offer safe and accessible physical and soft infrastructure to all. Being anchored and guided by diversity, equity and inclusion principles will help achieve this goal.
From a legislation angle, for the last 70 years, the UN and other international agencies have adopted several conventions which promote gender equality. These conventions have not been uniformly adopted by all countries. Legal frameworks around women’s rights as well as for protected characteristics like age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation vary by country.
In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals which we know as Sustainability Development Goals (SDG s). Especially SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG8 on decent work and economic growth touch on gender. Many organisations use the SDG s as a framework to insert their DEI work as part of a holistic approach to sustainability. Voluntary Standards and other mandatory commitments are also pushing the agenda for gender balance, inclusive workplaces, respect at work and the removal of gender-based violence in any form.
Frequent Acronyms
- D&I: Diversity & Inclusion
- DEB: Diversity, Equity & Belonging
- DEI: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- DEIB: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- DIB: Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
- JEDI/EDIJ: Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- IDEA/DEIA/DEAI: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access
Good In-Depth Sources including analysis of equality vs equity: Oxford Review Guide | McKinsey | Forbes | International Women’s Day.Com
Glossaries: Diversity for Social Impact DEI Glossary | European Institute for Gender Equality’s GE Glossary & Thesaurus | UNICEF Gender Terms