- Report year:2023
- Organisation: ICMM
ICMM first published guidance on the topic in 2012 (Human Rights in the Mining and Metals Industry: Integrating Human Rights Due Diligence into Corporate Risk Management Processes) to coincide with the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsing the UNGPs, and in 2018, ICMM became the first industry body to commit to upholding the UNGPs.
The 2023 updated Guidance responds directly to ongoing challenges faced by human rights practitioners in integrating the UNGPs across their organisations and provides an overview of leading practice and emerging regulation which is already driving performance improvements across the industry. The mining industry operates in regions where human rights abuses do occur, and companies have a responsibility to act in a way that avoids infringing on the rights of others, to leverage activities to stop infringements from happening, and to address or take part in remediation if needed.
The 2023 updated Guidance responds directly to ongoing challenges faced by human rights practitioners in integrating the UNGPs across their organisations and provides an overview of leading practice and emerging regulation which is already driving performance improvements across the industry. The mining industry operates in regions where human rights abuses do occur, and companies have a responsibility to act in a way that avoids infringing on the rights of others, to leverage activities to stop infringements from happening, and to address or take part in remediation if needed.