- Report year:2024
- Report author: Kathrina Robotham, PhD Tara Van Bommel, PhD
- Organisation: Catalyst
A Catalyst survey of 5,494 employees in 11 countries across the globe reveals that adaptability is a key leadership skill that managers must have for their employees and businesses to thrive now and into the future of work. For example, adaptability helps leaders harness the benefits of team racial diversity for innovation. We found that manager adaptability in conjunction with empathy drives employee outcomes such as inclusion, well-being, and intent to stay, and it decreases experiences of burnout. But nearly seven out of ten employees say their manager fails to adapt.
With unpredictable and unprecedented global challenges, managers who can effectively and flexibly respond to new situations and information will come out on top and lead their teams to success.
This report tells you why and how to be adaptable so you and your team can succeed through the uncertainty and volatility that is still to come.
With unpredictable and unprecedented global challenges, managers who can effectively and flexibly respond to new situations and information will come out on top and lead their teams to success.
This report tells you why and how to be adaptable so you and your team can succeed through the uncertainty and volatility that is still to come.