- Report year:2019
- Report author: Rosalyn Park, Bailey Metzger, Linda Foreman
- Organisation: The Advocates for Human Rights
At the request of the UN Group of Experts on Coal Mining Methane, The Advocates undertook research to investigate female inclusion in traditionally male-dominated, extractive sectors. 8 The Advocates undertook desk research and interviews with experts to understand these issues. This report sets forth its findings in four sections: 1) benefits of women’s participation in these industries; 2) government obligations in terms of legal and social barriers, 3) corporate roles and responsibilities, and 4) considerations for women in the broader and surrounding communities.
This report first sets forth the positive benefits of a diverse workforce including greater female diversity. In addition to a larger pool of talent and workforce supply, studies show greater female participation can promote profitability, boost more accurate and objective thinking, enhance decision-making, and foster greater innovation.
This report first sets forth the positive benefits of a diverse workforce including greater female diversity. In addition to a larger pool of talent and workforce supply, studies show greater female participation can promote profitability, boost more accurate and objective thinking, enhance decision-making, and foster greater innovation.