- Report year:2024
- Report author: Katherine Gifford and Zohra Khan
- Organisation: UN WOMEN
This technical brief analyses SDG Indicator 5.c.1 (proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment) data reported by 105 countries from 2018 to 2021. It highlights promising practices and remaining gaps on gender-responsive budgeting, showcasing country examples and identifying strategies and entry points for more effective gender mainstreaming in policy setting, budget allocation, budget execution, and data transparency.
By presenting the key dimensions of a comprehensive gender budgeting system, the brief will support governments to strengthen public finance management systems and target public resources for the implementation of gender equality laws and policies.
By presenting the key dimensions of a comprehensive gender budgeting system, the brief will support governments to strengthen public finance management systems and target public resources for the implementation of gender equality laws and policies.