• Report year:2024
  • Report author: Parallelle Finance
  • Organisation: UN WOMEN
This Toolkit is intended as a resource for gender bond issuers and investors.

For public and private issuers in Africa seeking to direct capital toward social outcomes, including gender equality and women’s empowerment, the Toolkit outlines the process for a Gender bond issuance. The core parts of the process are aligned with several of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) sustainable bond principles and other emerging guidelines.

For investors seeking to participate in gender-focused investing in African capital markets, the Toolkit provides definitions and processes which aid in the assessment of Gender bond issuances.

Within this Toolkit, issuers, investors and other stakeholders will find the following information:

1. Definitions, including ICMA sustainable bond principles, gender lens investing and Gender bonds.
2. Case studies of Gender bonds and issuer frameworks issued through 2023, including in African markets.
3. Reference charts outlining the processes for Gender bond issuances and how these fit within the ICMA processes, including pre- and post-issuance steps.
4. Discussions of each main step in the issuance process.