International Women in Mining (IWiM) is a global organisation committed to advancing women in the mining sector by acting as Industry Change Agent, WIM Champion and Diversity Trend Setter. IWiM is the fastest growing network for women in the mining industry, with long-lasting and supportive relationships with 40+ WIM organisations globally, as well as its own 10,500+ members and followers across 100 countries.

IWiM is a not-for-profit organisation, registered as a community interest company (C.I.C.) in the UK and operating with the support of sponsors and partners. IWiM also relies on a team of volunteers and supporters without whom it could not achieve any of its objectives; like IWiM’s Directors, they are based all over the world and bring different perspectives to the organisation.

Funds donated go towards the running of the organisation and implementation of projects. We are grateful for every donation no matter how small – every little helps.

Thank you!!


Lizette Bergdahl